Professional training is a way of acquiring technical and professional skills, undertaken to prepare for a profession and to be ready to enter or re-enter the workforce.
Professional training is aimed at young people who wish to obtain a professional qualification in a specific field, at workers who need to upgrade their skills, and at the unemployed seeking to retrain for a new or better job.
The training is designed to transfer and adapt the skills required by the organization to new hires and employees, as well as to all workers within the organization undergoing a process of professional development.
To train means to help people learn concepts, methods, and tools, and to encourage changes in their experience structure so that they acquire skills that align with their values and the system they belong to, such as a company, social group, or other organization.
For those about to enter the labor market, training enables them to acquire the knowledge required by companies and to develop professional skills and abilities that can give them a competitive edge, enhancing their candidacy and value in the labor market.
This type of training can be paid for by the end beneficiaries, including companies, or it can be funded through public grants.
We live in a knowledge-based society, where lifelong learning is its cornerstone, fostering growth and competitiveness driven by innovation and personal development.
The social, economic, political, and cultural landscape is constantly evolving, and learning must not be confined to a single phase of life; it must become an ongoing process.
The proposed approach is to make individuals accountable for what they learn, how they learn, and the context in which they choose to learn, aiming to personalize training through the exploration of innovative teaching techniques and methodologies.
To train means to help individuals acquire concepts, methodologies, and tools, while encouraging changes in their experience framework, so they develop skills that align with their values and the system to which they belong, such as a company, social group, or any other organization.
Free classes
We offer free training, retraining, and refresher courses through the management of both public and private resources.
Business Services
We offer training design, continuing education, and professional development services, including through interprofessional funds.
Accredited Training Room
At the San Benedetto del Tronto headquarters of the On the Road Cooperative, we have a large and bright Training Room, used internally for meetings and assemblies, and available externally for anyone in need of a space for assemblies, meetings, and events, by appointment. The Training Room is accredited by the Marche Region. For more information and to request a quote, please visit the dedicated page.
Regional accreditation
Accreditation for the provision of vocational guidance and training activities for the three main categories in the management of training courses, with or without the issuance of qualifications (Decree of the Director of the P.F. Labor and Training, DGR 62/01 – DGR 2164/01 – DGR 1071/05 – DGR 868/06 – DGR 974/08).
Specifically, Cooperativa Sociale On the Road is accredited by the Marche Region to manage training in the following areas:
a. Compulsory Training: Includes the programs provided by L. 144/99, Article 68, paragraphs 1(b) and 1(c), conducted within the vocational training system and apprenticeship programs.
b. Higher Education: Includes post-compulsory training, Higher Technical Training Education as outlined in L. 144/99, Article 69, and higher education related to interventions within and following university cycles.
c. Continuing Education: Intended for employed individuals, those receiving unemployment benefits (CIG) or in mobility, as well as apprentices who have fulfilled their training obligations; it also includes the management of training courses with or without qualification issuance.
School of Advanced Social Work Training
We offer specialized training on social issues and social work. The School of Higher Social Education aims to be a permanent laboratory for social innovation, dedicated to the professional development and advanced specialization of individuals working in social work.
Our training programs, both free and fee-based, include courses, seminars, and conferences in collaboration with Foundations, Research Institutes, University Departments, and Local Authorities.
Other Training Initiatives:
- Agreement with the Order of Social Workers of the Marche Region for the issuance of training credits for specific accredited events.
- Collaboration with universities for curricular internships.
- Partnership with high schools for work-study (Alternanza scuola-lavoro) programs.