On the Road Società Cooperativa Sociale has been working since 1994 to protect human and civil rights of women, men, and children through an approach based on the person being at centre of attention, empowermentEmpowerment L’empowerment, in italiano “potenziamento”, rappresenta un modello di servizio sociale attivo che consente a persone, organizzazioni, comunità, di valorizzare le proprie abilità e individuare risorse aggiuntive in sé stesse, nel proprio gruppo o nel proprio ambiente sociale, al fine di migliorare proattivamente l’equità e la qualità della propria vita., and social inclusion.

We work in the protection and promotion of human rights, in the fight against discrimination, exploitation and inequalities that are the cause of exclusion.

We are based in the regions of Marche, Abruzzo, and Molise, focusing our intervention on the following areas: Trafficking and Exploitation, Migrant Reception, Gender Violence, Extreme Poverty, Training and Employment, International Cooperation.

We believe in free emancipation from social assistance and in a possible integration for a richer, more open, solidarity-based, and aware community.

Find out how we operate



We established ourselves as a voluntary association in 1994 in order to respond to the increase in the number of women forced to prostitute in the “Bonifica del Tronto” area, on the border between Marche and Abruzzo regions.

Over the years, we have been able to create a structured organization that, through to the economic support of public institutions, has been able to guarantee the support of professionally qualified operators.

We are now a Social Cooperative (non-profit organization) consisting of about 50 people working on projects to support women, men and transgender people, both adults and children, under conditions of high vulnerability as being victims of violence, discrimination, and social exclusion, and who are subject to restrictions on the exercise of their rights and individual freedom.

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