Migration is a human project and a journey in search of better living conditions and emancipation from violence, hunger and slavery. This phenomenon characterizes all human history, which takes new contours and nuances with globalization.
If strategically managed, it leads to the activation of territorial communities of citizens and institutions by ensuring both an adequate response in terms of human rights and an economic revival that can generate work and raise the quality of a democratic coexistence for all people.
Our job is to build the context in which every migrant person can recognize and consider him/herself as someone who has rights.
Homeless Shelter Accommodation
All the beneficiaries of our projects ensure accommodation in a home, or in small buildings, to encourage autonomy and the process of emancipation. In turn, our homes are spread in small towns to encourage interactions with the hosting local community.
In this dimension of a more human living, we support our beneficiaries through informational guidance activities and access to the services they are entitled to. Civil registration, medical care, psycho-social health care, psychological support in order to emerge from painful and dramatic life situations, and re-processing of life traumatic experiences.
Our guests will be supported by our mediation service and be able to understand and respond to the demands of the local project and to ensure their rights are guaranteed.
Italian Language Courses
All beneficiaries have the opportunity to attend Italian language courses to achieve A1 and A2 levels and to qualify for Italian middle school certificate. We pay special attention to the children’s schoolwork under our responsibility and accompany them at all stages of school access.
Legal Protection
We support our people in the process of recognition and protection of their rights, asylum application, in the preparation for the interview at the Local Commission for international protection recognition, for family reunification and assisted voluntary repatriation.
Identification and undertaking of victims of human trafficking
On the Road is an accredited anti human trafficking organization, enrolled in the Second Section of the National Record of Accredited Organizations with the aim of implementing aid and support programs for victims of violence, exploitation, human trafficking and slavery.
For seventeen years, we have been carrying out anti human trafficking projects in Marche, Abruzzo and Molise regions, financed by the Italian Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Within the current anti human trafficking project, called ASIMMETRIE, we have signed memoranda of understanding with Ancona and Campobasso International Recognition Commissions, which, together with other project partner organizations, entrust us with the task of identifying victims of human trafficking among asylum seekers, as set out in the UNHCR guidelines published in December 2016.
As an accredited anti human traffic organization, we support the Asylum Seeker Protection System (SPRAR) by providing information for a more accurate assessment of international protection requests and by providing services such as psychological support and specialized legal assistance for human traffic victims and by guaranteeing services like supervision and specific support from our operators.
Orientation, training and job placement
One of the main goals of our reception projects is to set up the conditions for an autonomous life of victims.
When can our victims become autonomous? When they know the area where they are and what it has to offer, they start building up relationships, and they develop skills that can be used for job-seeking.
For this reason, we support our people with job orientation, in assessing their skills and support them in curriculum vitae writing. We offer them training courses to improve their skills and training opportunities as well as job placement in proportion to their skills.
Raising Awareness
We are always committed on implementing educational projects and community entertainment because we consider information as the key to effectively fight racism and extreme simplification.
We strive to promote the encounter and create dialogue between different worlds and cultural realms, and to stimulate the exchange of experiences and intercultural debate, mutual acceptance between the helping community and immigrants.
We encourage a conscious use of words and a deeper level of insight to fight people’s stereotypes.
We organize awareness-raising activities, exhibitions, seminars, educational trainings and didactical workshops specifically targeting schools on the following issues: intercultural, human rights, integration and Education towards World Citizenship through pedagogical methods aimed at stimulating active participation of children and teenagers, and encouraging the development of a critical consciousness and the discovery of the self as well as the encounter with the other.