Fabio Sorgoni – Beyond the Midlands 3

Human Trafficking Uncategorized

Thursday 01 March 2018

He is an expert on trafficking in human beings, researcher, trainer, project planner and coordinator. Since the mid-90s, he has worked as a social worker (drug addiction, prostitution, minors) and as an international volunteer in different countries, including Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico. He has taken part in international cooperation projects in Afghanistan, Pakistan and has collaborated with EuropAid and ICMPD for the development of national anti-trafficking systems in Kosovo, Thailand, and Uzbekistan. He designed and implemented national and European projects on issues concerning human trafficking, prostitution, forced begging, and urban poverty. He has been a speaker in various national and international conferences and has published works on trafficking in persons, outreachOutreaching L’outreaching, o lavoro sociale di prossimità, è una metodologia di intervento che colloca le equipe multidisciplinari presso luoghi ad alta fragilità sociale con l’obiettivo di intercettare e agganciare i target maggiormente vulnerabili e, abbassando la soglia di accesso ai servizi offerti dall’ente, fornire loro risposte ai bisogni nei relativi contesti di lavoro e/o di vita. work, and harm reduction. Since 2000 he has been working at On the Road, and he is currently the head of the anti-trafficking and planning departments, and the coordinator of the multi-regional anti-trafficking projects “Asimmetrie”. He graduated in Sociology and specialized in International Cooperation.


Protecting the rights of the trafficked persons between external borders and internal barriers

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