Pina De Angelis – Beyond the Midlands 3

Human Trafficking Uncategorized

Wednesday 28 February 2018


Social Programs Evaluator

She is an independent evaluator since 1992. She worked for several years for the European Union to specifically assess youth programmes. Eventually, she has specialized in the development of systems and programmes to evaluate especially national and European social policies. She has also worked for UNICRI, Emilia-Romagna Region, foundations, and third sector organizations. She is also a trainer on the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of social projects and programmes, with a special focus on human trafficking. Since 2017 she is a member of the advisory board of the Italian Association of Evaluation (Associazione Italiana di Valutazione). Inter alia, she published: Gli attori, le azioni, i modelli, le metodologie di intervento (2014); Le esperienze di valutazione degli interventi a favore di vittime di tratta (2008). She holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Urbino.


Data on human trafficking: between estimates, values and absolute uncertainties


Norms, identities and dangerous confusions

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