16 September 2021 | Life beyond the shelter (LIBES) project national conference

Human Trafficking Blog

Monday 30 August 2021

Life Beyond the Shelter.
Dialogue on transformations and perspectives of the paths of social integration of victims of trafficking

National conference – LIBES project

Social integration, seen as social and economic inclusion in the host country, is an important step of the emancipation and independence path of the victim of trafficking. The future of the person’s migration path depends on its success.

Whereas in EU Member State there is a support system in place which provides for the immediate and short-term needs of survivors of human trafficking, longer-term assistance towards recovery and integration can be a challenge. In fact, in most EU Member States, there is a shortage of economic resources to support victims of trafficking and exploitation after the hosting path.

The EU-funded project AMIF LIBES, which involves 5 European partners from Belgium, Spain, Germany and Italy, aims to ensure positive long-term integration for adult-third country national victims of trafficking (VoTs) in the host society by reinforcing support in the transition from shelter life to independence through practical, innovative and empowering tools and solutions.

During the conclusion of the project, On the Road Cooperative organized an online final conference on Zoom, on 16 September 2021, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. From the story of the project LIfe BEyond the Shelter (LIBES): long-term support for victims of trafficking transitioning from shelter life to independence and its results, the conference means to be an opportunity for discussing about life beyond the shelter and future perspectives on integration for victims of trafficking.

The victims, the anti-trafficking organization and the community are the three main players, how can they dialogue with each other in an integrated way, without being crushed by the work load?

The project questions us about the missionMission La Mission è la definizione dei processi operativi attraverso cui raggiungere obiettivi strategici of the programs, the support of the local community and then the role of the territory welfare, it questions how these players allow enhancing people’s resources, and how they are able to turn to make them (really?) protagonists of their own path of empowermentEmpowerment L’empowerment, in italiano “potenziamento”, rappresenta un modello di servizio sociale attivo che consente a persone, organizzazioni, comunità, di valorizzare le proprie abilità e individuare risorse aggiuntive in sé stesse, nel proprio gruppo o nel proprio ambiente sociale, al fine di migliorare proattivamente l’equità e la qualità della propria vita..

For more information:

Elisa Ricci
328 4915057
[email protected]


For more info about the project

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